Who is the Podcast Not For?

You may be wondering what you can expect from this podcast, especially since you have seen thousands of similar ones out there in the world already. But I want to take this question from a different angle and ask you, what are you looking for? This podcast is meant to be a lot of things, mostly as inspiration and helping you become a proud business owner with real advice that can help almost anyone to get started. What that looks like may vary to listener to listener, so I want to start off by saying who this podcast is not for.

Get Rich Quick:
I am not going to promote the idea of getting rich quickly. I do not believe in that formula and I feel that is dishonest to promote since 99.9% of those who seek it, do not wind up rich. I want to teach you how to make a lasting career, one that you feel is rewarding while also feeling like it is not "work".

This one may come as a surprise, but I won't tell you that anyone can make their own business successful (note the difference between making money online and making a business online). It takes a certain type of person and not everyone fits in that box. Don't let that deter you though, as I will talk about what it takes to be successful in it.

All play, no work:
Much like the first two, this podcast isn't for someone looking for an easy way to make money. Nothing worthwhile is easy and this is certainly not immune to it. I can give you all the tools you need, but the bottom comes down to you and your motivation. Nobody can force you to do the work, it has to come from within.

You can only have success with this ONE PRODUCT/SERVICE:
My goal is to show that the industry is not a one size, fits all. It is a wide world and we have many options, with most not needing a lot of money to get started. I want to bring hope to all people, especially for those who feel hopeless. My main point in this will be that if you have the will, you will find a way!

This podcast is meant to bust excuses, not to encourage or provide you with them. If you hear this advice and do nothing with it, it is on you. This is meant for those who want to change their lives and futures, which usually will find the motivation needed to kick themselves in the arse.

As you can see, this podcast is meant to assist you with finding, launching and doing what you want t do in life; just as long as you have the drive. Nothing worthwhile is easy to do, and owning your business is a perfect example of that.


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