Example on How Not to Market
If you own a domain name or have your email address on your site to the public, you have received emails from "web developers" trying to sell you services of web design or sometimes an app. Most of them are poorly written and really are just a blind email with hopes on selling you their services. Usually, I am that person who will write them a reply and offer my services of helping them to fix up their emails, but no one has taken me up on it. However, I usually never hear back from them ever again and that is fine by me. But I decided today to take one of the emails sent to me and help point out how NOT to market your services to anyone, but especially to small business. Let's start off by saying never use a fake name. Most of these people go by a more business-friendly name that we all know is not true. In this case, this person called themselves Mark D**k, which I am thinking they didn't realize what the last word means (or at least I hope they didn't). Sec...